Over the years, the Scam Fighters Organization has received many reports from members in the coaching and consulting industry seeking help and with questions about scam fighting procedures, what to do if you think you’ve been scammed, or just general questions about certain divisions. This section answers the most frequently asked questions.

What is the mission of Scam Fighters Organization?

We hire some of the best seasoned veterans in the scam fighting world who are retired now and want to volunteer some of their free time, expertise, and resources to stop scammers and help with our mission.

Our mission is to protect and to serve the coaching and consulting industry so that all will thrive well into the future. We believe having a safe, high value, high moral coaching and consulting industry, totally free from scams will allow all coaches and consultants to thrive and do their best work to help clients.

This allows you to truly help others and the good news and reputation of the industry will spread. Our mission is to keep scammers out of the industry for good.

We do that through the mostly retired seasoned veterans who had successful long careers fighting all sorts of scams, to provide a variety of internal abilities and competencies from our scam fighting team who has a rich array of skills like professional detective skills, access to top-secret databases to locate and find virtually anyone with ease, top level legal/lawyer, litigation experience, and advanced scam fighter agents who can go anywhere in the USA to provide direct enforcing of legal consequences.

The experienced volunteers help because they are retired, want to help, and find it meaningful to give back to this good cause and others. We are greatly indebted to them.

This gives us a unique ability to fight scams in the industry wherever they might be.

What happens when I submit a scam report?

When you submit and scam report through the scam report tab or email, your report is received and will be processed to assess the reported scam.

We’ll then do the detective research required to find out all the details on the scam and scammer and when reporting is done, we will take action to stop the scammer.

How can I get a full money-back refund from your Good Samaritan Refund service?

Once your application is successfully submitted, and reviewed successfully, and we’ve come to a winning conclusion for you, our aim is to help you raise the money that will fully compensate you.

We do this through the love, care, and generosity of many volunteers. Sometimes it is just 1 volunteer, sometimes it is over 20.

They all want to help you get relief and all we ask is that you agree to write them a thank you letter showing your gratitude.

We believe in justice and relief through helping you get fully refunded. We hope this puts a smile on your face and uplifts your being.

What action do you take to stop scammers in the industry?

We have a variety of internal competencies from our scam fighter team that deal with detective work, litigation, and enforcing legal consequences.

We cannot give out all the scam fighting procedures so that we stay state of the art in our fight against these scammers, but we are continuously updating our capabilities and team member abilities to fight any type of scam.

Is the coaching and consulting industry really so bad it needs a consumer watchdog?

The coaching and consulting industry is largely ethical, good, and high integrity. Less than 1% would ever try a scam. Our mission is the keep it that way and prevent random scammers from ever peaking their head into our industry. Also to make sure all current coaches and consultants are proud of their industry and working hard for client results with integrity.

How was this team created?

Like any non-profit organization, a founder organized the right team members together to protect and to serve the coaching and consulting industry.

These volunteers are mostly very experienced grizzly scam fighting veterans who have a long and successful career in fighting all sorts of scams.

They are mostly retired now, and are dedicating some of their free time to helping our cause.

They were sought after based on roles needed, capabilities, and to get results.

How do you suggest I avoid ever being scammed?

Follow our helpful reports, warnings, and updates. This will allow you to avoid being scammed in the rare event it would even happen. There are some common things to watch out for like Social Media group scams and the like. If you know the common scam types out there and what they do, you can prevent yourself from ever being scammed. For example, another common scam is the no-guarantee at all scam. If they don’t offer a guarantee, just say no.

Why do you help me?

We care. The Scam Fighters team is totally dedicated with the highest moral standards and integrity to protect and to serve coaches and consultants and the industry. This is a service of love to ensure the success, well-being, and prosperity of all in the industry. With full confidence you can utilize our helpful resources and report whenever or if ever you need, our mission is to only help you with the highest moral standards.