Good Samaritan Refund

Special report: How to get a Good Samaritan refund.

If you are a coach or consultant and you think you’ve been scammed, then we’ll help you get your money-back.

How the Good Samaritan refund service works is this:
1. You think you were scammed within the last 365 days.
2. You submit a detailed report about it.
3. Wait for the review process to be finished.
4. When the review is concluded, and you are awarded justice, we will let you know.
5. You agree to write a thank you letter to financial donators.
6. We will then seek to help you raise all the money for your loses and help award this to you.
7. Write the thank you letter to donators and we’ll send this to them.
This is a dedicated part of our justice process to protect and to serve you.

We aim to help you get fully compensated and do so through the kindness, generosity, and loving-kindness of volunteers for care.

Sometimes these volunteers will want to remain anonymous, and in that case a general thank you letter about how much it helps you and means to you is good.

We hope this provides you, your family, and your loved ones with relief you need.

It must strongly stated, based on our data, scams are actually quite low in the coaching and consulting industry which is mostly high integrity and honest with caring individuals. However, there are a few scams out there like the ‘Facebook groups scam’, and ‘Group sessions scam’ we warn you of as we’ve found many coaches and consultants using them are truly scammers. Please see our scam warning list to avoid these in the future and likely you will never have a problem again.