Chief Of Consumer Advocacy Message Andrew Sonctranm - To Protect And To Serve

FROM THE DESK OF: Chief Of Consumer Advocacy Andrew Sonctranm.

Dear high integrity coach and consultant,

I’ve felt the moral-calling to dedicate my strong efforts to protect and to ethically serve coaches and consultants.

One afternoon, after being completely disgusted with the scams and scammers a Client told me she unfortunately was a victim of, I felt so much righteous hatred, I literally roared out loud …

… It scared those around me because I was in a public place when I set off that roar that set in motion the scam fighting non-profit organization that would stop these scammers preying on coaches and consultants for good.

It has been my lifelong passion to see coaches and consultants rewarded for their good work and have time to enjoy their lives, and not have to worry about money by setting up smarter systems.

I was ethically, morally, and righteously compelled to start fighting these scammers in the coaching and consulting industry, so you can avoid ever being scammed, and because I never wanted to hear of another coach or consultant being scammed by unethical scammers again.

The consumer advocacy and watchdog organization for the coaching and consulting industry I’ve founded, and the Scam Fighters Non-Profit Foundation fights back for you and educates you on scams to avoid. Thus protecting and serving you.

I didn’t think I’d become the founder of the largest and only consumer advocacy and scam fighting organization in the coaching or consulting industry, but that is what happened.

Before I realized my scam fighting calling and my total love, appreciation, caring, and admiration of coaches and consultants, my plate was already full.

But after helping so many coaches gain freedom, retire with abundance, and transform their lifestyles for the better, and hearing all my Clients stories of scammers that took their honest money, while immorally not helping them, and many clients telling me they paid these scammers 50k – 100k … 

I couldn’t sleep at night knowing so many of my fellow ethical, honest, good-intended coaches and consultants were being targeted by low-life scammers.

These scams included outdated, ineffective, manual-labor intensive training (promising you’ll be a heart-surgeon after a 2-day course), without the expert done-for-you, done-with-you help you need to succeed (and not make a big mess) …

I hate these scammers. (Can you imagine trying to perform heart-surgery after a 2-day course? It would only create a big mess! And it takes a doctor 10 years then a expert who’s done thousands of successful operations does it with you and for you for years, so there is no mess, and no one died. Instead, it’s a success. That same is true for your coaching and consulting business. This is a common scam)

…Clients told me, even those scam program that worked a little made them work more, and made them more of a slave to their businesses …

When I got on the phone with a new client and got news of their history of a common scammer who I heard scammed them too, I got so mad I roared to loud it was felt by the whole shopping mall! (NOTE: the scammer is no longer around, I put them out of business, because of my scam fighting team’s detectives, officers, and efforts) I was disgusted and angry with no way to describe it other than a Lions angry zeal to stop these scam artists my clients told me they suffered through before I helped them.

Another common scam is they just give you a ‘big box of stuff scams’ or ‘group-training scams’ and not actually help you become financially freed, lifestyle free, and get rid of money worries for good. Instead, what they offered was so hard, manual-labor intensive, and the learning curve so complex it would take 10 years full time practice to even get to 6-figures per year, and they were promising a lot more.

The worst part is, they all enslaved you more by making you work more than any sane person should. Setting you up for failure, lifestyle problems, health problems, and other personal/family problems.

They totally hide the fact that they are selling outdated systems similar to trying to sell you a old wooden wheel wagon and pony to ride on a modern day city freeway, when…

…We’re in a new era, 21st century, with totally new, updated, advanced systems and technologies that can give you your life back. At least a lot of free time and disposable income to create a great life. And if you have value to provide, it can be done in a way that is using a recurring membership business model that allows you to enjoy a privileged liberated life.

It’s obviously a scam and a crime to hide these modern day technologies, systems and opportunities that can improve your life so much. But the scammers don’t want you to get freedom, they want to keep you blinded and in prisoner chains caused by their misinformation and scam products because they know if you get free, they can’t get your money anymore. The scammers goal is to make you forever frustrated so you’ll always be searching for a solution and they keep scamming you. They all should be locked up!

These scammers often copy useless, outdated, early 1900’s sales manual and give it a new branding, scamming you to think it’s a new marketing system for coaches and consultants.  

They just get rich without benefiting you, the coach. And they keep you in a terrible, frustrating, anti-liberating, inconsistent lower-level income. Stuck there to rot. Just where they want you so they can keep up their scams.

I don’t know how these slime balls sleep at night and with my team’s efforts to fight them for you, I know these sleaze balls won’t anymore…

…With this ethical watchdog consumer advocacy Scam Fighters organization I created to protect and to serve coaches and consultants like you, our righteous mission is to stop all these scammers for good.

I can honestly tell you I get mad when I hear coaches and consultants are scammed by not actually getting the support and help you really need to succeed big.

I’ve made it my open hearted mission to totally turn this around for you so you can avoid any loss, heartache, and wasted time from those scams.

The biggest crime these scammers might cause that is unforgivable is they might make you lose heart, and that’s the worst thing that can happen because you deserve the best, and if you lose heart, you don’t feel your best, you suffer, and less people get your good value so suffer more too.

That’s another reason why I hate all these scam artist trying to sell you a bunch of outdated baloney. I will protect you from this.   

They do two common things to try to trap you for their own profit and greed.

1)      Sell you a information product that is like selling someone a book on heart-surgery. They make it seem like you will be able to perform effective and safe heart surgery in a few months. This leads to frustration, disappointment and a great big mess!

 It takes a heart surgeon 10 years of university to be ready to start working under an apprentice and that can last for another 5 – 10 years, and the experienced heart surgeon does it with you so you can’t fail or make a big mess.

 The same is true for marketing your coaching or consulting business and growing your profits to 6-7 figures or more.

 Worst is, these are designed with outdated ‘wagon-wheel’ systems that will ensure you are working more (not less), trading all your time for money, never free… then you die.

 I think that is one of the worst kind of scams to sell some outdated surgery, outdated airplane, outdated wagon when there is the new, proven, powerful surgeries, jet airplanes, and luxury sports cars.

 It’s a fraud. And I’m dedicated to exposing these for what they are, to protect you so you can avoid such issues

2)      They don’t actually take you by the hand and do it with-you, or for-you.

Getting some generic training modules or training in a box, is the same thing just disguised differently.

I want to make sure you don’t fall for that common ‘group’ session scam.

The reality is, everything must be totally customized to you, including the coaching and consulting you get.

You need special attention, hand-holding, and at the very least the expert to actually do it with you so there are no mistakes! (Remember the heart surgery analogy?)

I will stand with you, for you, as your protector.

I will do all I can to fight for you, expose, and prevent coaching scammers.

 Because of this, I ask you to please pray for me and my family.

 I know that I put myself and my family at risk to these evil scammers …

 … I know I make my family vulnerable to getting attacked by these scammers and their low-life cronies. But because of my military background, and relatives who were veterans and fought and won against the evilest enemies of all time, it’s in my blood to protect you too…  

 It’s in my blood to protect and to serve good people from bad people, to take the fight to the bullies themselves so they never bully you or anyone again.

 This fight isn’t about me. Not my ego. Not my honor. It’s about your freedom. It’s about your liberty. And it’s about your justice.

It’s about protecting and serving you and what you do, and the people you serve.

On a personal note, in my private life, I’m a very successful coach, consultant, and serial-entrepreneur. Built, grew, and sold 13 businesses each making multi-millions per year, and I have many making multi-millions per year now – could retire a long time ago if I wanted to, but that’s too boring for me. I like to dedicate my time to causes I care deeply about now. I also have multiple thriving membership businesses as a coach …

…I don’t say this to brag nor impress you, that’s not my intention at all. But to impress upon you that I planned well before making myself and my family vulnerable to any attack from a scammer, because my businesses are set up to be bullet-proof to any possible attack. Because my other businesses and monthly members know my high level of morals, the honest great value I deliver, and I run it as a relationship business, so all members have a relationship with me even though it’s automated, so it is protected from any attack or shift in economy. This allows me the freedom to work to protect and serve you here without fear.

In short, I pick fights I can win and minimized risk to my family, and believe me, I will work long and hard to win this war on scammers for you. And I will never give up until they are all beaten.

Now because some of these scammers are the worst low-life thugs in the world that is why I sincerely hope you will pray for me and my family or if you would please send good energy or thoughts our way.

I know though, once these thugs are brought to justice, they will go bye-bye, so I’m willing to stand up and fight to better protect and to serve you and our amazing coaching and consulting industry.

Check back for any consumer awareness updates, scam warnings, or podcasts where we help you avoid these scams.

To report a scam to us, please submit the information here and we’ll take a look at it and have our detective research and if they are a scam, follow up with decisive action to get justice for you and all.

Fighting To Protect And To Serve You!

May You Have Freedom And Prosper,

Andrew Sonctranm

Chief Consumer Advocate And Founding Member of The Non-Profit Scam Fighters Foundation And Organization, Protecting And Serving The Coaching And Consulting Industry